some rainy day kid crafts
Given that the current weather in the Northwest is unpredictable at best, and we are at the height of runny-nose season, I thought I would share a few little crafts I did with James this past week. You probably have the supplies in your own home, and can save these ideas for a rainy day when a cold has you quarantined.
1. Running toys with wheels through piles of paint and making tracks. This was great because he played for a while and created some cool art.
2. Sticker animals on popsicle sticks = instant puppets. James enjoyed using his scissor skills to cut around the stickers. I like that no glue was needed, but I did have to heavily monitor the cutting!
(Side note: James named this one Bamboo the Baboon... yeah, say that three times fast)
3. crayon scraps into crayons. You just cut all your broken crayons (minus paper, of course) into little pieces then pile them up in a silicone tray (Ikea has fun colors and shapes for 99 cents! no matter that they are actually ice cube trays...) and bake at 230 degrees for 15 minutes.
Any other rainy-day craft ideas?
PS sorry the pictures and wording is in such disarray... I can't seem to fix it!
PPS This time, a year ago: Tuscan White Bean Soup YUM!