Things that make me smile lately...

Listening to James' toy tractor play "Old McDonald" about a thousand times a day (the ironic thing- I bought it from a consignment sale because I thought it didn't make noise)

Going to the pumpkin patch with James and not having to prop him up among the pumpkins because he refused to wake up (like last year)...

Apple crisp with vanilla ice cream in front of the fire with my husband

James beginning to use a spoon as a spoon and not a food-catapult...

Knowing Christmas is coming (don't judge me, it is the most wonderful time of the year)

Watching James read books (almost always upside-down) out loud to himself, and sometimes to Bear...

James as a cow...

Really feeling like each day is being lived to its fullest potential- not rushing life, or waiting for the next step, or trying to make my life something that it is not- but just living and enjoying the ride, one experience at a time

katie  – (October 31, 2011 at 2:16 PM)  

This makes me smile too! Love you!!!

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