Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Lame. Four days before my favorite holiday, and I am posting about cleaning supplies? I was going to attempt to pass this off as a last minute gift idea, but it would need to be a given to someone who would not be offended when bestowed cleaning supplies as a present. This lucky recipient would have to be someone you know well, in which case, you probably already have something for them.

In all honesty, the only reason I am sharing this "recipe" with you today is because I ran out of the last batch I made, and so I had to make more.

Sure I am all for saving the environment, but the real reason I like this cleaner is because I can spray it all over without feeling as though I need to hold my breath to avoid inhaling fumes. I can spray it on the counter, wipe, and then set food right down - no risk of chemical contamination. I use this spray everywhere- from the dining room table, to leather furniture, to the kitchen sink.

Here is my advise about the bottle you will use to store the spray in: buy a half gallon bottle of environmentally friendly all-purpose cleaner, then make your own in the same bottle when you run out. This way, your first bottle of spray is pre-made, after that you can begin making your own. Happy cleaning!

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner
for the record: I didn't make this up, I got the "recipe" from my cousin who got it from her friend
1 tsp vegetable-based liquid soap (such as seventh generation)
1 tsp Borax
1/2 cup white vinegar
20 drops essential oil
warm water

Put the first four ingredients in the bottom of the bottle, then fill to the top with warm water. Enjoy.

Becca  – (December 21, 2011 at 9:24 PM)  

You could totally give this to me as a gift and I wouldnt be offended. Is that cause you know me well? Or I am a clean freak? :-) I need to make this... does it work to disinfect the bathroom??

Ashley  – (December 21, 2011 at 9:34 PM)  

Both borax and vinegar are natural disinfectants (although they don't work as well as, oh say, 409 to kill germs), but so is plain soap and hot water! Also to note- borax should not be overused (why there is only 1 tsp in 1/2 gallon of cleaner) because although it is natural, it can be toxic in large doses. So don't eat it!
In my opinion, I would rather use natural cleaners than chemicals...
Guess I know what your getting from me for Christmas!

Chelsea  – (December 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM)  

I'm going to make this NOW! I spend so much on cleaner and it's so not necessary! Thanks for this how to!

ps, there is a head band give a way over on my blog!
Check it out!

merry christmas!

katie  – (December 29, 2011 at 4:28 PM)  

I'm totally going to use this recipe when I run out of my Mrs. Meyers... who can afford that stuff, anyway?!

Anonymous –   – (January 5, 2012 at 4:43 AM)  

I havagreeablegive birth tol you a semployment...The hpreparatoryI were tnoble production ourbe presentinin
support ofs this spunadornedand nothing was working. We tried commercial cleaners, commercial window sprays,
newspapers, microfiber cloths, EVERYTHING! But nothing made the windows look clean.Then I asked him to let me
try one thing. I got out my trusty bottle of vinegar water and a dishtowel. The WINDOWS LOOKED PERFECT! So cheap,
so healthy and SO EASY!
for janitorial services
janitorial cleaning

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