little yoga

A few weeks ago James and I borrowed Little Yoga from the library. 

It is a really cute book, full of fun, colorful pictures that compare simple yoga poses to animal movements.

Perfecting the poses was not the goal, of course; the whole purpose is movement and fun. However, James caught on surprisingly quickly, and seemed to improve each time we went through the book.

I would love to enroll him in a real kid yoga class, but I assume they are crazy expensive.
Do you or anyone you know do yoga with kids? Do you know any kids who have taken a yoga class? I bet it would be a lot of fun and hilarious to watch.

(What, a mid-morning post?... I did not have to wait until nap time today due to the fact that my sweet little guy is currently on his way to Corvallis to have a "just James trip" to Grandma and Grandpas' house. Eleanor and I are not quite sure what we are going to do with all this quiet (certainly not catch up on cleaning!), but we are kicking off our girls time by making a grocery list and going on a leisurely shopping trip. So we can have more meals like this one.)

Ashleigh  – (April 10, 2013 at 12:50 PM)  

How cute! Hope you and Eleanor have some good peaceful girl time together :)

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